Keaton turned 1 on July 15th! We weren't sure when we were moving, so we did his party the weekend before at the Herriman Rosecrest Splash Park. We had cupcakes and lots of family and cousisn came to play with us. My brother in law took pictures of Keaton which turned out adorable. He has the greatest smile with all those teeth, and is definitely a Momma's boy. He loves his brother and sister and playing with toys. Carter and Keaton often want the same toy and will fight over it. Keaton is a picky eater but is doing well with whole milk now and loves to eat puffs. He loves to turn on his side to sleep and has to have his soft bunny or a blanket against his face to sleep. He was 20% for height and 70% for weight at his appointment. The shots are never easy for him, he takes a few days to recover. We love our Keaton Thomas!

We finally got our first house a few weeks ago! We moved from West Jordan to Clinton, Utah which is about 45 minutes away. Getting the house was actually a very stressful experience with all the delays and last minute faxes and emails. We had to re-arrange our moving plans several times also, but we finally got it. Because of July 24th being a holiday, we had to move most our stuff in the garage until the house posted in our names, which ended up not happening until Tuesday instead of Monday. So we stayed with my in laws for a couple nights, then took up the beds, rest of our stuff and food on Tuesday evening. Our new ward helped us get our stuff into the house, so it was kind of like moving twice but so nice for all the help we got. The kids stayed through Wednesday with my in laws so Chris and I could try to un-pack. It's been two weeks today and we only have a few more boxes left to un-pack. The house was built in the 60's so it is an older home and we still have work to do. But we feel somewhat settled in and like it's starting to be home. My priority is always to get up the wreath, pictures and curtains.
The kids each have their own room which is so nice. We also have a front room now and a family room, so we can keep the toys and TV in a separate room which is nice. I have my Grandmother's piano in my front room now and it's so nice to be able to play again. The house is a one level, over 1400 square feet. There is a one car detached garage and a good sized yard that's completely fenced in and has sprinklers. There are two nice trees in front and one apple tree in back. We have space for a garden behind the garage and a covered patio area and porch. We have just one neighbor, on our left is a storage unit which we don't mind. The house had an outlet for a gas dryer, so I've still been hanging clothes to dry on a clothesline until the electrician comes out. The kitchen also doesn't have a dishwasher, so I have a roll-away one that I use. Just a few differences. There is a crawl space under most the house that's about 4 feet tall for storage, and another fairly large storage closet which is nice. There is no hall closet for coats and stuff which is odd. I love the white siding, I'd like to do shutters in front on two of the windows with a matching star, and a porch swing. We also want to get a play set and trampoline for the backyard.
Being homeowners is fun so far but busy. I was excited the first time Chris mowed the lawn and trimmed the trees. We have a Walmart and many other stores just a few blocks from us, so the location is nice. We're not too far from the freeway, but are now about 45 min-an hour from family. There's a Swig that just opened up, I want to try it:) We lived in the upstairs of my brother in law's house and we're so thankful to him and his wife for letting us stay there so long. It helped us stay close to family and was a great deal. Sierra has become so close to the Thorup side of the family now since she got to play with them and see them so often. This summer was kind of odd because I knew the move would take up a lot of our time. We didn't go to Lake Powell this year with my family because Chris didn't have anymore time off work from Disney Land, and we also missed a day to Lagoon and weekend trip to St. George because of packing and waiting for the house. So what's coming up? Carter starts Kindergarten at the Ogden USDB on the 31st, and Sierra will be starting preschool with Davis Head Start soon too. Keaton starts therapy back up today with his new therapists, so I hope he can start making some progress. He's had a rough time with the move I think, he's been fussier and waking up more at night. Carter sees GI tomorrow for his yearly appointment, and vision in November. Just two more weeks of horse therapy, then we're done. It's so far from us now we'll have to find something else for him to do. Anyway, bye for now!